Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Part of the process of going to a foreign country includes getting immunizations. In our case a lot of immunizations including the following: routine vaccinations, Influenza, Rabies, Typhoid, Malaria, Japanese encephalitis, and possible Yellow fever. Therefore, last week I headed into the doctor's office, accompanied by my mom and little brother, to begin the process. Now before I go on, you should know that over the past few months I have been taking my brother, Luke, to get allergy shots. He gets two each time we go in, and so I've seen him get at least a dozen shots or more. Because of this, when my nurse came in to give me two of the immunizations, you should have seen the look on Luke's face. It was pay back time. He had on a funny grin, that reminded me of a bad guy who rubs his hands together and chuckles at his evil plan, and watched the whole time while I received both shots. Needless to say, it was quite amusing, and I'm glad we can have so much fun while getting shots!
